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Adopt a Dental Student in Cambodia!

Be part of a sustainable solution to Cambodia’s healthcare challenges.

In Cambodia, fewer than 400 dentists serve a population of over 16 million, with most professionals concentrated in urban areas. Rural communities suffer from limited access to dental care, leading to preventable diseases and chronic health issues.

Our Dental Program changes that. For just $3,000 a year, you can sponsor a student to attend a 7-year program. These students commit to serving their communities for two decades post-graduation, delivering more than 8,000 treatments in their lifetime.

Make a difference. Empower a future dentist and change the lives of thousands.

Offline Donations?
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All of our operational expenses are funded by a private community donors, so you can trust 100% of your donation will go directly to ignitiing prosperity in rural Cambodia.
But we don’t stop there. We don’t just give people food for a day. We teach people how to prosper. We are fully committed to transparency, and long-term sustainability.
We work with the local people to help them generate their own income and savings. Then, they pay for their own clean water, improved health, and education. They just need some startup capital and training and they’re ready to prosper on their own!
We can prove it with data and human results. We track every child’s school attendance and learning progress. We monitor every water well and track every dental record. We measure every cow’s growth, and we track every pregnant cow and her calf.
And we collect and share stories of the real human results of your donation.
You’ll love hearing from your family farmer as they share photos and updates of their progress!

Become More: Join us to Ignite Prosperity in Rural Cambodia

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Health: Less Sickness, More Strength

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Fat Cow Program: Less Poverty, More Prosperity

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Education: Less Despair, More Dreams

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Click Here To Turn on Sound!

Offline Donations

To make an offline donation, please use the bank wiring information or check instructions below.
Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!


Bank: Wells Fargo
Bank Address: 420 Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94104
Wire Routing Number: 121000248
Direct Deposit/ACH Routing Number: 124002971
Bank Account Number: 5516657045

Beneficiary Account Name: Become More


Send check to: Become More
Address:  172 N East Promontory, Suite 300 Farmington, UT 84025
Please make sure to write the check payable to: BECOME MORE.