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At Become More, we focus on crucial health needs such as safe drinking water, handwashing stations, bathrooms, dental care, and hygiene products. These efforts reduce infant mortality, improve health, and empower villagers to focus on other vital aspects of life.

Donate to Support Health Initiatives




In rural Cambodia, 70% of the population lacks access to safe drinking water. This leads to high infant mortality rates and widespread waterborne diseases, which are major health hazards. Additionally, 63% of Cambodians lack access to safe sanitation, causing further health risks from contamination and poor hygiene practices.

Solution & Impact:

  • Safe Water: Provides clean drinking water for over 2,400 people.
  • Hygiene Facilities: Installs handwashing stations and bathrooms in schools.
  • Community Health: Reduces infant mortality and waterborne diseases.
  • Sustainability: Partners with community leaders for maintenance.
Give to Make Water Accessible



In rural Cambodia, hygiene and sanitation are largely absent. Coupled with limited access to safe water, widespread health issues abound – especially for vulnerable groups like children and the elderly.

Solution & Impact:

  • Barrier Removal: Provides education about hygiene/sanitation, and the ability to implement these practices by providing safe drinking water, bathrooms, and soap to entire communities.
Give to Make Good Hygiene Accessible



Expectant mothers in rural Cambodia often lack essential nutrients and healthcare, leading to high rates of maternal and infant mortality.

Solution & Impact:

  • Nutritional Support: Distributes prenatal vitamins for expectant mothers.
  • Comprehensive Health: Includes access to safe drinking water, school bathrooms, handwashing stations, dental care, and hygiene products.
  • Community Well-being: Supports the health of mothers and unborn children.
Give to Make Prenatal Health Accessible



Limited access to dental education and care affects overall well-being. Poor oral hygiene can lead to severe health issues, including infections and chronic diseases.

Solution & Impact:

  • Education & Care: Provides dental education, products, treatments, and care.
  • Collaboration: Led by Dr. Spencer Elmore with Phnom Penh dental students.
  • Community Health: Significantly improves oral health and quality of life.